(AP) Eddie Pells–Media tries to adjust to Tim Tebow

Entertaining as all that has been, it has made fans and the media rethink the way they judge and cover their sports stars. Reporting that a player was including the Lord in his postgame analysis has long been widely thought of as trite and inappropriate, something to simply skip over when typing in the quotes.

Tebow’s five fourth-quarter comebacks and his four overtime victories ”” each more improbable than the last ”” and his steady, genuine, yet somehow unassuming insistence on bringing God into the conversation has forced an uncomfortable question upon those who want to make it only about what happens between the lines.

In a sports season filled with unsavory stories ”” NFL and NBA labor wars, child sex abuse scandals at Penn State and Syracuse, and a baseball MVP accused of using steroids ”” Tebow is seen by many as a sports star who really could be a role model.

Read it all.


Posted in * Culture-Watch, * Religion News & Commentary, Evangelicals, Media, Other Churches, Religion & Culture, Sports

One comment on “(AP) Eddie Pells–Media tries to adjust to Tim Tebow

  1. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    For the life of me, I don’t understand people’s fixation with Tim Tebow (either pro-Tebow and anti-Tebow). Both are rabid, and I simply do not understand the fixation.